Thursday, April 01, 2004

Today's April Fool's Day. You'll really be a fool if you don't already know.

The class decided to play tricks on the teachers teaching us today. The first trick with Mr. Pandian, who was our first subject teacher of the day, worked perfectly. The plan was that one by one, majority of the class would go up to Mr. Pandian and tell him that they forgot to bring Physics textbook or notes or worksheet. Usually he would tell the student to stand outside the classroom. Today he was overwhelmed. The trick ended in applause when Chii Yeh, Mr. Pandian's successor, also stood up (as though to tell Mr. Pandian he also forgot to bring his stuff) and passed a note to Mr. Pandian: "Happy April Fool's Day!"

Subsequent tricks were easily seen through. Mdm Sia was the hardest nut to crack, with her no-nonsense attitude towards work. Other teachers knew because earlier classes also tricked them. Mrs. Wong also suffered the same treatment we gave to Mr. Pandian from 4/10, so she expected.

The class seemed to be playing a trick with me too. Someone brought a plastic spider about the size of a correction tape that could stick onto walls if it is thrown towards a wall. The class knew perfectly I was arachnophobic and some probably felt satisfaction looking at me being terrified when the spider ended up on my table. Even now, as I’m typing this entry, I shudder when thinking of the spider. *shudder*


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