Friday, October 15, 2004

Today was the official last day for the Sec 4s of NHSS, and for our class, it was filled with lots of free periods where we just played and played and played. Some had last photos taken; some rushed to finish writing for their friends' autograph books or give a friend her autograph book to write. For once, O Level was out of our thoughts.

During the last two periods, the Sec 4 councillors did their last duty for NHSS by going to the classes to check the cleanliness and lockers. For Tania and I who went to 4/7, we waited long for Mdm Poon and finished our check at around 2.10pm. During the last period, Mdm Sia gave out our report books and report slips. Sigh...I dropped to the 19th position in class; couldn't help it. Mdm Sia, though, was nice in writing my comments, saying that at least I "had tried".

When, for the last time, we said "Thank you Mdm Sia", the tear which had been hanging at the side of my eye finally rolled out. It felt funny that when we were Sec 1s, we were so looking forward to the end of Sec 4 and all the stress and troubles for two months but now we had reached the end of Sec 4, we couldn't bear to end. So many friendships, hardship, happiness, sadness, laughter, tears and memories are hard to forget. In the end, Kegan, Yan Chen, Zhi Yuan and I were left in the classroom. Like what I did two years ago with the 2/4 classroom, Zhi Yuan closed all the windows of the room, put up all the chairs and closed the doors to signify the closure of this chapter of life. Well, at least there's chalet as an epilogue before it finally finishes.

After that closure, the EXCO still had the work review to do. Mrs. Lim also gave us papers to write about our thoughts and feelings about one another to be kept as memory by us. Since I had done my work review with Mrs. Lim already before the Prelims, I could concentrate on writing comments for the other EXCO. Once again, this job made me look back on all we've done together as an EXCO and all the fun and laughter we had. For the last time as EXCO, we used the Councillor's Room to write our comments, and we even played Cluedo towards the end.

Before I left school, I 'buried' (the correct word is dumped) the human figure that had been on our classroom's noticeboard for a year. The 'body' will eventually be reincarnated, but the spirit will be enjoying everlasting life in Heaven. God bless all!


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