The Finale: 4o1 Closure & Council ROD
I reached school at 8am to meet with the rest of the 11th Exco to prepare something for the 12th Exco's President. If you recall last year, Bernice (10th Exco President) made a sign for Kegan to hang around his neck. This year, we upsized the sign and drew "WANTED: PRESIDENT of 12TH STUDENT COUNCIL". By the time we finished we were just in time for a briefing by Miss Wassan at 10am. The briefing was for the Provisional Admission Exercise 2004 (PAE), the exercise that admits graduating Sec 4 students to JCs for the first 3 months the following year. At the end of the briefing Miss Wassan also reminded us about the Graduation High T tomorrow, which she is an organiser of.
After the briefing we had to head back to our classrooms (for the last time as official Nan Huarians) to receive our Form A's and a whole lot of other stuff. It took some time for me to go down to the General Office and ask for someone to help us open the doors to our classrooms, but once we were in the classroom it felt like back in school, only there were no textbooks, there were no harsh words from Mdm Sia and all of us were happy (not for long).
After receiving lots of stuff (which included the Graduation book, Yearbook, Information Booklet on the PAE, Form A and our testimonials), we pushed all the tables to the side to play a game (part of me was asking why we are playing games at this time of the year). We were supposed to throw a roll of raffia string around a circle to different people while holding on to a part of the string and the thrower will have to give a compliment about the other. Mdm Sia got the ball rolling (literally) and the game then continued. Samuel was the one who passed to me ("Thanks for all the help with my A. Maths" was what he said) and I passed the ball to Kuan Yee for beating me all the time at Solitaire Showdown. (To Yvonne, who received the ball last: Hope you don't feel sad, you're still a 4oner!)
By the time the game ended it was past noon and the councillors from our class were already late for the Council ROD which was scheduled to begin at 12 noon. Yet the class insisted to watch the special class video Quan Ming made (and which he showed during the chalet too). By the end of the video I was almost about to cry out, not only because of the atmosphere of the class but also how late we were going to be for the ROD. Eventually we were able to wiggle out from the class and rush down to the Hall where everybody was waiting for us.
The ROD started and we were treated to yet another video of 4 years of memories. After all the presentation of certificates, plaques, CDs containing the videos and what not and the introduction of the members of the 12th Exco, we were invited to the canteen for food. The video was tear-jerking, but the buffet was more relaxing and the mood was lighter. After the meal some of the 11th Exco and Wei Zhe went to West Bowl to bowl. Though eventually we had to go home in the heavy rain, but everything that had happened pointed to the real finale: the last day as an official Nan Huarian, which is tomorrow.
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