Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year's Eve

The day started rainy. I had originally planned to go swimming with some of my classmates this afternoon, but the weather looked so downcast that we scrapped it. Maybe it was a way of telling us the kind of mood 2004 should end in, but then there were happy moments and they are of a mention.

Instead of scrapping our meeting altogether, we met up for a bowling and pool session at West Coast Recreation Centre. Kegan was caught in a jam, so Sam and I played bowling first (each buying 3 games) while Fang You, who claimed he didn't know how to bowl, watched. Kegan arrived in the middle of our first game, so he himself bought another 3 games. Clarence and Shiling showed up later but didn't join in the bowling. After Sam and I finished our games both of us persuaded Fang You to try a game, the three of us buying one game each. In the end, Fang You didn't do too bad, even beating Sam.

After that we headed up to the billard room to play pool. We had to wait a while for an available table as all were fully booked, but a short wait later table number 56 opened. The only experience I had in playing pool was online, so I was a bit clumsy at times. I can probably relieve myself with the fact that I had shot the 8-ball into the pocket to win the first game with Clarence. While Kegan went home earlier, the rest of us played for a little over an hour and left after that.

The night was spent watching TV, mainly Channel U and Channel i. For Channel i, today was the last day of transmission (it will cease transmission at 1.30am tomorrow), while a few 'last episodes' were aired on Channel U, which will have a slightly new identity with MediaWorks' merger with MediaCorp. The shows were so tear-jerking that I almost wanted to cry myself.

355 days ago I mentioned I looked forward to 31 December 2004 in my diary entry (you can rewind to that entry and check; it should still be there). While this wasn't really the mood I expected 31 December 2004 to be in, I have to comment that it had been such a wonderful year, full of memories, happiness and friendship. Even as I type out this entry, I feel like crying.

Thank you, 2004.


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