Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Day 2 at ACJC and I had lots more fun today. There were only two talks today in the hall: the address of one of the Vice-Principals of the school about ACJC and all that and what the discipline teachers called 'The Talk' (during which both genders were given talks simultaneously at different places).

After the talks we continued with our time with our Esprits. We practised a bit of dance of the first song before heading down to the field to play some games which were considerably cleaner than yesterday (that is, if you didn't get the water-flour bomb). We did dances for the rest of the day in the badminton hall, getting familiar with Blame It On The Boogie and learning one half of the dance for Superstar (though Ian and Lisa, our Esprits' Mehvs, had some doubts about some of the dance moves). We ended the day the same as yesterday, i.e. mass rally and prayer.

Up till now, the impression improved a little (in my opinion, almost destroyed by the first teacher who spoke during The Talk). Probably that's why they have 5 days for JC orientation. ;)


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