Saturday, January 29, 2005

There was a 4o1 reunion today organised by Veron: we were going to have steamboat at Marina Bay. I arrived at the MRT station a few minutes before the meeting time of 5.30pm. We probably waited until 6pm before we set off. Walking to the nearest bus stop, we found a shuttle service to a nearby steamboat restaurant which was having an offer: $10 per person. So we headed there, all 24 of us in one minivan.

Upon reaching the open-air restaurant we were allocated seats at a very long table for about 20. Once we've paid our money we got up to get the food and started cooking. Throughout the dinner I ate mostly meat and soup. Later I also drank 7-Up and ate a durian ice-cream stick (each person was entitled to 1 ice-cream stick).

After dinner which was about 8 plus, we went up to Victor's Superbowl upstairs where Kegan and Yan Chen, who both joined bowling as a CCA in their respective JCs, were 'training' the spin (or is it the hook? I don't know which is which). The rest of us sat down on a platform behind the lanes and played Truth or Truth separated into two groups.

We decided to go home at 10 plus. On the way back we shared more logic games (stuff like the leaf falling, the time, the 'coffee and tea', the telepathy...) and I had much fun laughing, especially when Juliet started to get a headache from not getting the telepathy game. I reached home at 11 plus.


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