Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Got 10/20 for Mdm Liu's Maths Test and 11/20 for the F. Maths component. How delighting.

Had our first Project Work lesson today. Our teacher, Mdm Ng, keeps telling us that it's not that too difficult, but after going through some confidential stuff, it did sound daunting and stuff. Sounds very business-like too; kinda like going through The Apprentice, except we have about 8 months for the project.

Due to the absence of the J1 Arts students tomorrow afternoon (to support our school at some national cross-country championship), there were some changes made to the rehearsal schedule for today and tomorrow, meaning that there was rehearsal today and I had to skip the swim heats. In the end I only stayed until 7 plus, after which Mrs. Creffield would be working with the main cast. Dancing today was less strenous, considering also that Raj was away due to SYF dance competition.

I would like also to appeal to people who read this blog to help get your friends to watch Camelot too. Ticket sales have been dismal (pretty much due to the prices) and it has been estimated that not even one-quarter of the theatre will be filled in each performance.

1) $50 is actually a reasonable price for a musical theatre production; most productions you see put up at the Esplanade or other arts venues cost about the same or even more.
2) It's free seating; you can sit anywhere in the theatre. (Not on the floor.)
3) If you're worried about school the next day, there's always the Friday night show.
4) The money raised will be channelled to building funds for the ACJC Centre for Performing Arts, meaning you're watching the show for a good cause.
5) Camelot is worth the money, because it's gonna be great.
6) Make it a class outing or gathering. I've heard that a whole class (from ACJC) is watching Camelot as a class outing, partly because some people in the class were in ACSian Theatre.
7) I'm dancing, so must give me face...:p

Once again, the details of the performance:

Dates: 25th May to 28th May (Wednesday - Saturday)
Time: 8pm, 2pm (Matinee on 28th May)
Venue: Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) Centre for the Performing Arts
Ticket prices: $30 (Special ACJC student prices for Wednesday show and Saturday matinee), $50, $100 (Public prices for Thursday and Friday shows), $200 (Gala Night on Saturday)

Let me know if you're interested and I'll get the tickets for you. :) I'm begging... :( Tell as many people about this as possible, even put up ads in your own blogs, but do support Camelot...:p


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