Thursday, June 09, 2005

Morning: As part of the Temasek Seminar series, MINDEF has organised site visits for participants. Today's visit is the first among others, but participants will only go to one place. ACJC, together with some other JCs like VJC and SAJC, headed to the Changi Naval Base together. The bus ride from school to the site wasn't exactly eventful, but I enjoyed the scenery as we got closer to the naval base.

We arrived at the naval base on time (9am). We alighted and moved to stand in a parking lot near the entrance of the place. Security issues delayed the whole process, but eventually we got through. We then headed to another bus and were told that we would be sharing the bus with the SAJC participants, so we could make friends if we could. It was a little easier for me, since I spotted another NHrian, Huang Yu (originally from 4/11).

We boarded the bus to the auditorium first for a short introduction on the Navy and their roles, for instance in the defence of Singapore and also in humanitarian aid, especially seen in the December tsunami crisis. We then headed down by bus to the harbour to tour a Landing Ship Tank (LST), RSS Endurance. (Did you know: the 'RSS' stands for "Republic of Singapore Ship".) After the tour we took a ride on the Fast Craft Unit (FCU) around the harbour. The wind was so strong during the ride that I needed to hold on to the side of the FCU. Nope, I'm sure it's not seasickness.

Following that was refreshments, and the ACJC participants shared the bus with the SAJC people back to our schools, first to SAJC, then to ACJC. After that I went home quickly, ate instant noodles and went down to Clementi CC in appropriate attire for badminton with the 4o1 people. Well, supposedly. When I arrived at the badminton hall only Wee Cheng, Yan Chen and Kegan were around. We played doubles until Juliet joined us at about 4pm. We continued to play until 5.30pm, after which we hung around Clementi Central for a drink and chatted until probably 6.30pm. Headed home later, buying dinner on the way (parents in Malacca, will be back tomorrow night).


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