Took this off Yan Ting's blog:
Current mood :: Uncertain about the coming year. However hopeful I try to be, I always get that nagging feeling that something really bad is gonna happen.
Current music :: Nothing right now.
Current taste :: Not eating now.
Current hair :: Short sides, long fringe. I didn't like my look initially, but I was surprised how fast my hair grew back.
Current clothes :: Keming Primary School "Faith" house T-shirt and knee-length trousers
Current annoyance :: Thinking about the homework.
Current smell :: Smell of my room. It doesn't smell.
Current thing I ought to be doing :: Homework.
Current desktop picture :: Habbo Hotel's "Winter Wonderland" wallpaper.
Current favorite band :: Can I name 2? Simple Plan and Green Day.
Current book :: Not reading. :P
Current cd in stereo :: No CD.
Current crush :: :P Can't say.
Current favorite celeb :: Hmm...can't decide.
Current hate :: Staying at home. Wish I can go out with some friends and celebrate.
Smoke? :: Never in my entire life.
Have a dream that keeps coming back? :: It doesn't happen that often nowadays.
Read the newspaper? :: Yep. I always read the Today newspaper while having breakfast on school days.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? :: Don't know.
Believe in miracles? :: Perhaps.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? :: Yes.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? :: Pretty much yes.
Consider love a mistake? :: When it's given to the wrong person.
Like the taste of alcohol? :: Never tasted.
Have a favorite candy? :: Seldom eat candies.
Believe in astrology? :: Occasionally.
Believe in magic? :: Not really.
Have any pets? :: No.
Go to or plan to go to college? :: Er...JC considered college?
Have any piercings? :: No.
Have an obsession? :: Habbo Hotel.
Have a secret crush? :: Aren't crushes meant to be a secret?
Do they know yet? :: What do you think?
Care about looks? :: Not all the time.
Ever been in love? :: No.
Do you believe in love at first sight? :: Maybe; need to experience it to believe it.
Do you believe in "the one?" :: Maybe; need to find one to believe it.
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? :: Don't think so.
Have you ever been intoxicated? :: No.
Height :: 170-something cm? Definitely not exceeding 175 cm.
Bought :: Oyako Don on New Year's Eve.
Ate :: Dinner today. Rice, vege, fish, radish soup.
Drank :: Plain water.
Read :: The dictionary, to confirm the meaning of 'college'.
Watched on tv :: Channel 8 evening news.
club or houseparty :: House party.
cats or dogs :: Cats.
single or taken :: Single.
pen or pencil :: Pen.
gloves or mittens :: Mittens.
food or candy :: Food.
cassette or cd :: CD.
coke or pepsi :: Coke.
this or that :: This.
Kill :: Nobody.
Talked to :: My parents.
Hugged :: The cast of Morning at Memory's Border.
Instant messaged :: Yu Wei.
Eat :: Usually at home.
Wish you were :: Lying on the cold sand at Sentosa looking at the night's sky.
Dated one of your best friends? :: Never been in love.
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? :: Never been in love.
Broken the law? :: Never.
Run away from home? :: Never. (Unless I'm late for an appointment. Then I run away from the house.)
Broken a bone? :: Yes; my skull bone.
Played Truth Or Dare? :: Yes.
Kissed someone you didn't know? :: Never.
Been in a fight? :: Argument, yes.
Come close to dying? :: Yes.
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? :: Er...Britney Spears?
What's your bedroom like? :: Study table and computer on one side, bed on the other. The floor separates the two areas. Walls are pale yellow, curtains have flowery patterns.
Your favorite thing for breakfast? :: Vegetarian bee hoon from the Kopitiam across the road.
Your favorite restaurant? :: Seldom eat at restaurants.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? :: I usually don't raid the fridge. If I'm hungry, I head for instant noodles.
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? :: Not movie, but musical: Camelot. (The final scene with Leon and Shu An is a definite tearjerker!)
What is your biggest fear? :: Spiders.
What feature are you most insecure about? :: Belly.
Do you ever have to beg? :: Playfully.
Are you a pyromaniac? :: I don't play with fire.
Do you know anyone famous? :: Hong Jun Yang is my senior from long ago. He won't know who I am though.
Describe your bed :: The bedsheet has dolphin designs on it. Pillow, pink blanket (not my fault), a few soft toys (yes, I have soft toys).
Spontaneous or plain? :: Plain.
Do you know how to play poker? :: Not really.
What do you carry with you at all times? :: Wallet, keys and handphone.
How do you drive? :: Don't drive.
What do you miss most about being little? :: Hmm...nothing actually.
Are you happy with your given name? :: As time passes by, yes.
How much money would it take to get you to absolutely give up the Internet for one year? :: S$1 million.
What color is your bedroom? :: Pale yellow.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? :: Most of the time.
Do you think you're cute? :: No.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? :: No.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? :: Yes.
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? :: Never been in love, so it's my friends.
You ever been caught "doing something?" :: What is 'something'?
Current mood :: Uncertain about the coming year. However hopeful I try to be, I always get that nagging feeling that something really bad is gonna happen.
Current music :: Nothing right now.
Current taste :: Not eating now.
Current hair :: Short sides, long fringe. I didn't like my look initially, but I was surprised how fast my hair grew back.
Current clothes :: Keming Primary School "Faith" house T-shirt and knee-length trousers
Current annoyance :: Thinking about the homework.
Current smell :: Smell of my room. It doesn't smell.
Current thing I ought to be doing :: Homework.
Current desktop picture :: Habbo Hotel's "Winter Wonderland" wallpaper.
Current favorite band :: Can I name 2? Simple Plan and Green Day.
Current book :: Not reading. :P
Current cd in stereo :: No CD.
Current crush :: :P Can't say.
Current favorite celeb :: Hmm...can't decide.
Current hate :: Staying at home. Wish I can go out with some friends and celebrate.
Smoke? :: Never in my entire life.
Have a dream that keeps coming back? :: It doesn't happen that often nowadays.
Read the newspaper? :: Yep. I always read the Today newspaper while having breakfast on school days.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? :: Don't know.
Believe in miracles? :: Perhaps.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? :: Yes.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? :: Pretty much yes.
Consider love a mistake? :: When it's given to the wrong person.
Like the taste of alcohol? :: Never tasted.
Have a favorite candy? :: Seldom eat candies.
Believe in astrology? :: Occasionally.
Believe in magic? :: Not really.
Have any pets? :: No.
Go to or plan to go to college? :: Er...JC considered college?
Have any piercings? :: No.
Have an obsession? :: Habbo Hotel.
Have a secret crush? :: Aren't crushes meant to be a secret?
Do they know yet? :: What do you think?
Care about looks? :: Not all the time.
Ever been in love? :: No.
Do you believe in love at first sight? :: Maybe; need to experience it to believe it.
Do you believe in "the one?" :: Maybe; need to find one to believe it.
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? :: Don't think so.
Have you ever been intoxicated? :: No.
Height :: 170-something cm? Definitely not exceeding 175 cm.
Bought :: Oyako Don on New Year's Eve.
Ate :: Dinner today. Rice, vege, fish, radish soup.
Drank :: Plain water.
Read :: The dictionary, to confirm the meaning of 'college'.
Watched on tv :: Channel 8 evening news.
club or houseparty :: House party.
cats or dogs :: Cats.
single or taken :: Single.
pen or pencil :: Pen.
gloves or mittens :: Mittens.
food or candy :: Food.
cassette or cd :: CD.
coke or pepsi :: Coke.
this or that :: This.
Kill :: Nobody.
Talked to :: My parents.
Hugged :: The cast of Morning at Memory's Border.
Instant messaged :: Yu Wei.
Eat :: Usually at home.
Wish you were :: Lying on the cold sand at Sentosa looking at the night's sky.
Dated one of your best friends? :: Never been in love.
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? :: Never been in love.
Broken the law? :: Never.
Run away from home? :: Never. (Unless I'm late for an appointment. Then I run away from the house.)
Broken a bone? :: Yes; my skull bone.
Played Truth Or Dare? :: Yes.
Kissed someone you didn't know? :: Never.
Been in a fight? :: Argument, yes.
Come close to dying? :: Yes.
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? :: Er...Britney Spears?
What's your bedroom like? :: Study table and computer on one side, bed on the other. The floor separates the two areas. Walls are pale yellow, curtains have flowery patterns.
Your favorite thing for breakfast? :: Vegetarian bee hoon from the Kopitiam across the road.
Your favorite restaurant? :: Seldom eat at restaurants.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? :: I usually don't raid the fridge. If I'm hungry, I head for instant noodles.
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? :: Not movie, but musical: Camelot. (The final scene with Leon and Shu An is a definite tearjerker!)
What is your biggest fear? :: Spiders.
What feature are you most insecure about? :: Belly.
Do you ever have to beg? :: Playfully.
Are you a pyromaniac? :: I don't play with fire.
Do you know anyone famous? :: Hong Jun Yang is my senior from long ago. He won't know who I am though.
Describe your bed :: The bedsheet has dolphin designs on it. Pillow, pink blanket (not my fault), a few soft toys (yes, I have soft toys).
Spontaneous or plain? :: Plain.
Do you know how to play poker? :: Not really.
What do you carry with you at all times? :: Wallet, keys and handphone.
How do you drive? :: Don't drive.
What do you miss most about being little? :: Hmm...nothing actually.
Are you happy with your given name? :: As time passes by, yes.
How much money would it take to get you to absolutely give up the Internet for one year? :: S$1 million.
What color is your bedroom? :: Pale yellow.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? :: Most of the time.
Do you think you're cute? :: No.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? :: No.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? :: Yes.
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? :: Never been in love, so it's my friends.
You ever been caught "doing something?" :: What is 'something'?
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