Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Year Ahead

My exterior doesn't show much emotion towards the coming of 2006, but deep down in me, a voice is saying, "Wow, it's 2006!" Here's an overview of what's coming up this year, in sections:

ACSian Theatre
The following are the projects which ACSian Theatre will be doing this year (information taken from ACJC website):

1. The Merchant of Venice (4 Jan - 6 Jan, 8pm, The Substation, tickets at $15)
2. Hate.Love.War.Peace (20 Jan - 21 Jan) (I honestly have no idea what this is. This has never come up in our committee meetings.)
3. Night of Laughter (22-23 Feb, ACJC) (An in-house production as usual, tickets won't cost a lot, so must come and support)
4. South Africa Tour (March school holidays) (I really wish I can go, but I seriously don't want to have someone pay for my trip. Should try to chalk up as much money as I can.)
5. The Tempest (6 Apr - 8 Apr)
6. Singapore Youth Festival: (Central Judging: 16 May - 18 May; Drama Show: 21 Jul) (Details about our SYF production will be kept to a minimum, so don't ask so much. :))
7. Little Women (23 Nov - 25 Nov) (A J1 production)

The J2s will step down after SYF. That's a lot of opportunities for 2006.

2SA1, class of 2006
All of us promoted! Well, academically, there's quite a lot of stuff to cover. Our teachers will all be the same (including GP's Miss Dorothea Lim, who SMS-ed me after Christmas to let me know that she will be taking our class this year). Being the dinosaur-batch of F. Maths is a certain pressure on us too; we are expected to do well. :)

For more class stuff, I'm intending to treat the class to chalet in June with NTUC vouchers I got from my relative. But I still gotta ask the class if they're even interested in chalet. After chalet, it'll be study all the way till A Levels, Senior's Night and perhaps a few more hanging-outs after that. And 2SA1 will officially graduate, until we meet again in March 2007 for the release of the A Level results.

Major event of ACJC for 2006: Fun-O-Rama XVIII! Held on 18 February, it promises to be a whole day of fun and thrill! You seriously need to come! And how to play the games and eat the food if you do not have coupons? Coupons are sold at $10 each and every coupon bought gets you a free set of Long John Silver's coupons too.

Otherwise, it's the usual stuff. I wonder if I'll be getting something on Founder's Day.

Past friends
More outings with NHSS 4o1o4 and Exco11! Hopefully. Best if Exco11 can celebrate New Year's Eve again. It was a great experience just being together and watching the beautiful fireworks. I'm also hoping to get as many people from Keming Primary School 6AA (class of 2000) as possible together for a reunion.

Hmm...New Year Resolutions? I'm not a 'resolutions' kind of guy. I just live life as it brings me. Hopefully 2006 is a great year.


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