Today school at ACJC for J1s ended at 11.50am for us to have lunch and return to our secondary schools for the O Level results. The moment the 11.50am bell rang, I walked out of the campus, intending to have lunch at NHSS. Ming Hwee called me to wait for him and we, together with a group of NHrians, took 196 back to NHSS.
When we returned the lower secondary students were having lunch. A few 4o1ers were already there (naturally, some of them skipped school in the morning). I had lunch with Fang You and James, after which we just slacked around and occasionally squirreled around for information on our results. After a small talk with Ms Wassan, I accompanied Kegan and Yan Chen around the classrooms to see the students having lessons. By then it seemed that all the teachers in the school knew that Kegan was the top scorer for the batch of 2004 (combining results from both 2003 and 2004).
At 1.45pm, we assembled in the Hall, where tables were arranged at the back of the hall for the collection of results. Ms Wassan settled everybody down and after everybody received some booklets containing information, she began briefing the students about the new registration procedure for JAE 2005, i.e. online registration via the JAE Internet System. After all that talk was done, it was time for Mr. Foo to make his speech. Very briefly he informed us that we have done well (at least on par with the previous batch). There was some glitch in the slideshow when it skipped the slide showing the top scorers of NHSS, and at first only those with 9 distinctions were shown. After some meddling the real deal showed and everybody in 4o1 cheered for Kegan, with a grand total of 9 A1s and 1 A2.
Following that it was the dreaded moment as students went up to their teachers to collect their results. It was hard to deduce whether someone did very well or very badly, because most girls would be crying. Hugs were exchanged between very happy people satisfied with their results. I was one of the last few to get my results in my class. Combined Humanities and Higher Chinese were B3, English and Chemistry were A2 and the rest (Maths, A. Maths, Physics, Biology [surprise!]) A1. That makes my L1R5 9!
After some time passed (part of which was spent on the phone with mum), Mr. Chia called all with 6 distinctions and above to the stage to take photos. After that Mrs. Lim requested to take another photo of ex-student leaders. By the time the photo-taking ended we were sweating everywhere. Mrs. Lim still wanted a photo with Exco11, so we spent more time along the linkway between the HOD Room and the Hall. After that Kegan and I joined some other 4o1ers in the HOD Room who were with Mr. Pandian.
When we decided to leave the HOD Room, I was a bit surprised to see Andy waiting at the staircase outside the HOD Room. Yen Nee had called him and tricked him in saying that she got 15 with bonus (coupled with great acting on her part). Together we walked down to Level 1 where we met Mdm Foo and had another conversation with her. When it finally ended, we headed home.
I made my JAE registration just now, putting ACJC Science and Arts stream as my first and second choices respectively. I filled in the rest of the 10 choices with mainly Science courses. Unfortunately since I sent my Flexipay application a little too late, I will have to make cash payment from next week onwards (not a bad thing, considering the MOE Customer Service Counter is just a few kilometre's walk from ACJC).
Tomorrow's the release of the O Level results, but I don't feel nervous or anything. I'm actually pretty slack right now.
Bought Taufik's album today at Sembawang Music Centre @ Westmall. The whole album had a R & B groove going on; very nice.
Had the last CA tests for 1SA today, Mrs Yeo's Maths and F. Maths tests. After the test everybody were talking about failing the test for sure., hmm...
Today, I found out that I failed my Chemistry CA and got the highest in class for Mdm Liu's Maths & F. Maths CA Tests. Well balanced, huh?
For Camelot dance practice today, we finally finished learning the opening dance. Finally! And we probably have around 10 more dances to go and the performance is in end of May. Hmm...
Chemistry test today was difficult in the sense that the questions were A Level standard and we were given a very short time to complete. I'm gonna do badly for this one. Camelot movement practice today involved a lot of lifting.
Had Mdm Liu's CA Test today. Apart from a question in the Maths C component which I didn't know how to do (forgot about the binomial expansion), I could do the rest.
Slacked the whole day. Watched Chingay Parade on TV at night.
Mr. Chan took half an hour yesterday to finish marking our Physics CA Test. Thankfully I got 22/25, much better than the miserable 5/20 the previous time. The highest was Andy, getting 24/25.
For double-period PE lessons for the rest of the term, our class would be doing swimming. We had our first swimming lesson today and the first thing we did after the teacher's briefing was categorisation of students from two classes (1SA1 and 1SC8 I think) into three categories (I suppose you know which three). Those who knew how to swim had to swim the width of the pool two times, first in breaststroke and then front crawl. I did okay for my breast stroke, but I didn't know what I did with the front crawl that caused me to end up in the Advanced category, since I haven't been swimming front crawl in the past 4 years. Whatever it was, both Intermediate and Advanced students learned about water awareness today as we were made to fall like a log (i.e. vertical and straight) into the water from four directions.
I stayed back after school today to watch Night of Laughter, a combined production by ACSian Theatre and ACS (International). A total of 6 short comedy skits (2 from ACS International and the others from ACSian Theatre) were put up, hence Night of Laughter. For me, the funniest skit among the lot was the conversation between a baseball coach and somebody. "Who's on first, what's on second and I don't know the third." That's right, this is a statement, not a question. From this line from the baseball coach, a comedy-packed conversation started between the two gals which caused the whole LT to laugh out loud. I don't think any of the other skits received this much support. (There is a Night of Laughter II in the second half of the year.)
We had two CA tests today - Mother Tongue and Physics. I think I did okay in them, though I didn't really study for Chinese.
The annual ACJC Cross-Country Championship was held this afternoon at MacRitchie Resevoir Park. The reporting time was supposed to be 2.30pm, but most mass runners (i.e. non-competitive runners) took a bus at 2pm from ACJC, we arrived late. Nevertheless, I placed my bag and stuff under the tent in the CKS section (CKS being the house I'm in).
Competitive male runners walked off to the starting line while the others in the carpark sat down, mostly under the shade of the trees nearby. The competitive female runners then went off, and it was another long wait before it was time for the mass run and the staff race. A few of us were still walked towards the starting line when the horn sounded for the start of the staff race. A few minutes later the horn started for the 3.2-km mass run. Finishing this run within 20 minutes will earn the runner's house 2 points, and within 30 minutes 1 point. I ran at a pretty fast speed at the start, but then started to walk and run, especially on the sidewalk. I managed to finish the race a few minutes past 20 minutes.
After most runners had returned we gathered in the middle of the carpark in our houses, CKS right in the middle. The cheering competition then followed for each of the houses before Paul, the Student Council Vice-President, led the college in a school cheer. After that was the prize-presentation ceremony. Students from CKS took up a few spots in the Top 20 for Individual Competitive Runners categories for both boys and girls, especially for the latter, where one of us emerged champion in the category. Two of the teachers from our house came in first and second respectively for the staff race, and since our house had a 'Joker' card in the staff race, we were able to earn triple the points the first- and second-place holders would normally get. As a result, our house, CKS, won the Overall House Champion. In addition, we also took the champion spot for the cheering competition.
It sure was a great day for CKS!
Today's dance practice for Camelot actually felt smoother to me. This was probably the first time I could get the dance steps right the minute (or the minute after this one) I saw Raj demonstrate. Raj was also in a generally good mood today, so all was well.
It's Valentine's Day today, and the college is full of Valentine spirit. Students walked around school to their class venues with either flowers or balloons in their hands. People were exchanging gifts and a simple "Happy Valentine's Day". Ah, the first time in my life February 14 felt like Valentine's Day to me...
Slack. After that played more Habbo Hotel before hitting my homework.
Slack. There was MTV Asia Aid in the afternoon being aired on Channel 5.
10 people were absent from our class today, the 3rd day of Chinese New Year. 6 of them are Malaysians and are back in Malaysia with their families. The other 4 - well, it doesn't take a genius to find out eh? Otherwise today feels a little slack. I skipped the AC Idol because I didn't get tickets.
Nothing much on today. Spent almost my entire day in Habbo Hotel Singapore.
Happy Chinese New Year to all! Today went out to visit one of my few relatives who live in Singapore. Other than that it was the rest of the day spent at Habbo Hotel Singapore.
Finally, after weeks of torture it was time to relax ourselves on CNY Eve. Today was half-day and no lessons, and a large group of people from our class ganged up to skip school together. As a result only 8 people filled up 1SA1's seats in the Hall.
After Assembly, 1SA1 and 2SA1 gathered in A6.8 for a mini SJI, part of the programme for CNY Eve. Elizabeth had bought 3 packets of chips, 3 1.5L bottles of soft drinks and disposable cups. The seniors clearly outnumbered the juniors, but we still went on to introduce ourselves to one another and then played a little game before we started eating. We also celebrated the birthday of one of the seniors, Lisa, with a cake Jacob, 2SA1 Class Rep, bought.
It was slightly over 8.30am when we returned to the Hall and sat together for the concert, a mix of performances from the 3 main racial groups in Singapore. Dhriti and Shri were also involved in the performance by the Indian Cultural Society.
After the concert ended at 10am, I stayed back for a short meeting for ACSian Theatre regarding the tickets for Camelot and Nights of Laughter and some housekeeping matters. I wondered how people were going to be able to afford the tickets, but then it's for fund raising, so I'm optimistic I can sell out my tickets. (Camelot, FYI, is a fund raising project by the school for a brand new theatre, complete with lights, stage and a 450-seating capacity, which will be ready by March 2006.)
After the meeting I went back to Nan Hua to visit the teachers and meet up with the rest of 4one '04. After a long wait for the bus and a short travelling time later, I entered the school and headed to the staff room to find many 4oners and Mrs. Wong. We took photos with her and chatted a bit. I also went to look for Mr. Pandian and Mdm Foo. After hanging round in the school a bit more, I headed home.
Not too bad a day. The mood was pretty light since tomorrow's CNY Eve, a.k.a. slacking and skipping school day.
Spent the night rushing my Physics homework. My Chemistry homework was left undone.
Originally supposed to have a primary school schoolmates' outing, but since it was changed to dinner at Marche, I didn't go.
I've been sleeping so late these days I ended my day in school with a headache. Sigh...what kind of weekend will it be?
Normal school day. We also got back our test paper with Mdm Liu and I got 11/15. A pass! ;)
Today's single-period PE was torture, NE/PCCG period was a little uncoordinated but interesting and dance practice for Camelot pretty slack for the guys, because Raj spent more than an hour with the girls.
The tests we had today (Chemistry & Maths C) were not as bad as the Physics one on Thursday. Camelot dance session today was held in the Multi-Purpose Room on Level 2 of Oldham Wing. It was pretty difficult; since I still don't have my dance shoes, I had a small abrasion on my right foot having slid on the floor several times. Otherwise, I thought it wasn't too bad.