Prelim 2004
Paper: 5068/01 Chemistry
MCQ is mostly easy. Well...I don't know about this one.
Prelim 2004
Paper: 4018/02 Additional Mathematics
This paper was as difficult, if not more difficult, than Paper 1. Didn't finish a part question (yay! er...). So nope, Kegan, no full marks. ;)
After the paper, we were told that we were going to move back to our old classroom on the 6th storey tomorrow. I spent more than 30 minutes moving house (only part) and arranging the furniture in the antique shop (or what felt like it). We'll be celebrating Homecoming (literally) tomorrow.
Prelim 2004
Paper: 5068/02 Chemistry
This paper was pretty simple too (at least simpler than MYE). What's up with the papers this week? Are we going to expect easy papers throughout the week? I'll be jumping for joy then.
NKF staff called me today about donation cards for the Children's Medical Fund. This time, I'm just going to have one sent to me. Who cares what my parents say? It's my card.
9.09 pm was the time tonight, the 15th day of the 8th month in the Lunar Calendar, that the moon will be seen at its roundest. I missed it, but orange stars flickered at a courtyard near my flat. I recalled the times when I was still in primary school and living in Jurong West, where my parents will light up my paper lantern and I'd carry it while we walked to a basketball court across the road and run around with the lantern. that I think back, I realised I do have a childhood.
Note: I'll be posting my new current blog entries while migrating the old ones. ;)
Prelim 2004
Paper: 4017/02 Mathematics
This was easy. So easy. (Okay, well, not guaranteeing full marks for myself. I can be quite careless sometimes.)
Prelim 2004
Papers: 5093/01 & 5093/02 Biology
This was the only Science subject in the Preliminary Examination whose Papers 1 and 2 are not split up. Paper 2, which came first, was difficult. Paper 1 was just stupid, with lots of errors appearing in the questions.
Prelim 2004
Paper: 1111/02 Higher Chinese
It was indeed tough. Nothing else to say.
Prelim 2004
Papers: 2190/02 The Combined Humanities, 4018/01 Additional Mathematics
Geography (Elective) wasn’t easy. I felt I had done badly for this paper. A. Maths wasn’t too bad.
Just for the record, tonight was also the finale for The Amazing Race 5.
Prelim 2004
Papers: 1127/02 English Language (Revised), 5052/02 Physics
English was okay; there was only one question (other than the vocabulary section) which required candidates to explain something in our own words. Physics was, once again, the killer. I couldn’t finish the paper. It was a complete déjà vu of last year’s EOY Examination, except this time it was a little easier.
Prelim 2004
Papers: 4017/01 Mathematics, 2190/01 The Combined Humanities
Mathematics wasn’t so bad. Social Studies was the problem. All the structured-essay questions which appeared were on topics previously tested in the O Levels. Luckily, I could still remember part of Singapore and Malaysia’s merger and separation. If not, this would have been a complete failure for me.
Tried to study as much Social Studies as possible.
Prelim 2004
Paper: 5052/03 Physics
I was in the fourth and last shift for today's practical exam. It's the same procedure as Mid-Year, so all of us knew the drill: quarantined in the Hall (and the AVA Room later) until it was our turn. Today the class 'booked' a corner at the back of the Hall where there were already tables and chairs placed. I only studied one chapter of Social Studies before I began to share lame questions with a bunch of people. Behind us, some students from 4/3 began to play table tennis (there were table tennis tables at the corner where we were) and 4/1ers also joined in. I had a bit of luck playing table tennis; it was only my second time playing table tennis (the first, if you recall, was a disaster).
Later in the AVA room, a bunch of us sat in a circle and started playing with the table tennis balls and bats. Soon the eight of us were sending balls flying in every direction within the circle, trying to play four games of mini table tennis on the floor simultaneously. It was so hilarious I forgot about the Physics practical for a while.
Business had to be finished. Today's experiments, to me, were pretty simple and I could finish them quickly and move on to the questions which required more thinking and writing. I headed home after lunch, anticipating tonight's premiere of Survivor: Vanuatu - Islands of Fire.
Today’s paper is the practical paper for Science (Physics/Chemistry) students, so it’s normal lessons for 4/1.
Prelim 2004
Papers: 1127/01 English Language (Revised), 1111/01 Higher Chinese
English composition was the first paper of the day. I think I did pretty well for the proposal’s (Section 2) content, but was probably a little too long-winded for the composition (Section 1). For Chinese composition, I also did my best, though it was not the best.
Right after the English paper, the Sec 4s went to the Hall for a short talk by Mr. Foo. It was to tell us a piece of good news which most of us probably knew: the official opening ceremony of the school next year, which is also the school’s 88th Anniversary. The real good news is coming later. Anyway, Mr. Foo told us we were welcome to visit the school anytime after we graduate.
Date: 3 July 2005 (Sunday)
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: NHSS
Guest-of-Honour: PM LEE HSIEN LOONG!!!
Prelim 2004
Paper: 5093/03 Biology
I was in the first shift for today’s practical exam, unlike 36 others from 4/1 who had the last shift. It was good (because I got to go home earlier) and bad (less time to study for this practical). I handled the experiments well, but made a big error in the recording of results (adding an extra zero behind ALL the measurements which were supposed to be in mm). I also couldn’t finish the paper, losing 6 marks outright. Oh dear.
Prelim 2004
Paper: 5068/03 Chemistry
I was in the first shift for today’s practical exam. It was, in my opinion, a little easier than the one we had for MYE this year. The only difficult parts were probably the thinking questions, particularly the one for VA.
I started studying for tomorrow’s practical exam tonight, while watching the President’s Star Charity on Channel 5.
The bright sun provided the opening act to the show. As noon passed and afternoon came, dark clouds drifted almost innocently into the picture and cast a shadow on the flats and the multi-storey car park. Wind rustled the leaves of the trees, one of which was a thin and tall coniferous tree. It swayed dangerously side to side, as though the trunk would not be able to support. But, having weathered worse weather than this, the tree hung on.
Soon a light drizzle followed. The dark clouds got smaller and drifted away, revealing the beautiful sky it had failed to cover. The drizzle continued, but the wind had reduced to a cool breeze, and what lingered in the air was the sweet smell of nature.
A few days ago, Quan Ming told me where to download the US version of Pokémon FireRed, but I couldn’t understand why the ROM was incomplete (5MB). Today, I finally realised that it was supposed to be a ZIP file, not a GBA file. So I managed to open the game, but there was a save error (which required an exchange of backup memory), so the only way to save the game was to use the ‘Save State’ option on the menu of the emulator.
I started to migrate the old entries from my Free Open Diary account to my blog here today.
WELCOME TO THIS BLOG! This blog was officially created today. I could not longer stand the problems was giving me (e.g. not acknowledging my sign-in), so I would switch to this blog.
Nothing much. Thinking about whether to set up a new blog because is getting on my nerves now.
I arrived in school to find out the Chinese lesson today had started earlier. What the...? Later Mdm Foo explained that she didn't want to waste time; she started the moment most people had arrived.
I received a call from Mdm Foo today in the late morning, asking me if it would be possible to hold a Chinese class tomorrow afternoon. I called up most people to spread the message after getting confirmation from Man Nga that the Chemistry class would end at about 3.30pm and also called Mdm Foo at about 11.30pm to inform her about the time.
Today was probably the last time the 11th EXCO would get together for a meeting. We discussed about the recent Teacher’s Day Celebration and the 12th Protem as a whole outside the HOD Room, where we also played some puzzles put out along the corridor. I actually managed to solve one unknowingly and put it back in the same way, i.e. unknowingly.
After that, we headed to the hall to play table tennis and badminton. I was okay at badminton (though not so good when ended up playing against Wei Loong, a Badminton Club member), but I sucked at table tennis. Kegan and Edwin later played badminton against each other while the rest went down to the canteen for lunch.
After lunch was over, we retrieved the netball from the Council Room and went shooting hoops. Once Kegan and Edwin joined us after their lunch, the 6 of us split into two teams to play half-court netball. My team lost terribly and we headed to the canteen to rest. There, we chatted with Xue Zhen and Wei Zhe, ex-Nan Hua students and ex-EXCO members, about the Prelim and JC life.
With sufficient rest, we went back onto the court where the EXCO team and Wei Zhe played against the ex-students team and a Sec 3 Netball Club member. Thanks to Wei Zhe, we were able to score many points and win the match. Then we left the game so that we could meet Ms Wassan regarding what we talked about the Protem. We headed home at about 5 plus, tired but happy.
Today was a fully packed day for 4/1, especially after school. First we had to retake our photos because Mdm Sia had to sit in the middle instead of stand at one side. Immediately after that we had a Chinese functional writing test until 4pm and at 4pm we had Geography extra lesson. I could only have a quick bite at 3pm and a small lunch at 4pm.
Also, Brenda and Pei Ying suggested only today that we could go to Aranda for our class chalet because one of our parents was an NTUC Club member. I told them that if they could find this parent and also one who had a credit card (VISA or MasterCard) by the first day of our Prelim Practical Exam, then we would book Aranda. Thus, the booking of the class chalet had to be pushed back again.
Not much, just a Thursday.
Today’s Teacher’s Day, but it feels like a very strange holiday. Probably because of the fact that the Prelim is only a week away.